Structure & Policies


Our tutors hold PhDs or have other significant experience in serious and in-depth intellectual work. We seek as tutors academics who are willing and able to work on a volunteer basis; zealous about their own learning; happy to conduct classes by conversation rather than lecture; open to learning from adults in all walks of life; and eager to read outside of their field of expertise.

Our reading group leaders are experienced readers and guides in conversation. We especially welcome as volunteers graduates of academic programs based on reading and discussing great books.

Our executive director oversees the day-to-day management of all functions, takes the lead in all aspects of the start-up operation (evaluating and implementing management information systems and other solutions), manages outreach to tutors and readers, supports the board chair/founder, and helps set the strategic direction for future phases.

Our associate director aids with the day-to-day management of the Project, implementing management information systems, helping with outreach to facilitators and readers, and supporting the board chair/founder and the executive director.

Our advisory board provides high-level governance, financial oversight, and, in collaboration with the executive director, sets the Catherine Project’s strategic direction. Along with providing advice and financial support, members also contribute pro-bono professional services (e.g., graphic design and website development) as circumstances warrant.


We endeavor to welcome to our groups any adult who desires to learn and who has the basic abilities to read a book and hold a conversation. We also require that all who are admitted as readers welcome others on the same terms.

Our Project survives on donations alone, and we encourage each reader to donate in accordance with his or her ability. We would like our readers to have a stake in our organization as well as a place in its community. However, registration in a class is completely independent from past donations or from one’s capacity or willingness to donate. We will never make registration conditional on payment or ability to pay.

One-on-one Meetings
Our tutorials have four readers. In the spirit of hospitality and accountability, tutors ought to make themselves reasonably available for one-on-one conversations, especially if a reader is having difficulties or in order to pass on and receive feedback.

Faculty Governance
Tutors and group leaders have broad authority over their classes in their content or structure, as determined in consultation with the executive director and the head of the faculty. For the moment, commitment to lead tutorials or reading groups is renewed semester by semester, until the organization stabilizes. We hope in the long term to develop a permanent faculty, which would deliberate on all instructional matters.

A reader may be removed from a particular tutorial at the request of the tutor for any reason. The tutor may recommend to the executive director that a reader be removed from the Project if (a) the reader shows no evidence of learning OR (b) the reader disrupts the learning of others and does not respond to correction on this point.

The executive director may remove a tutor from a tutorial or from the Project if the tutor disrupts the learning of his or her readers, or if there is evidence of inappropriate or threatening behavior.

Tutors and readers are strongly encouraged to relate any difficulties to the executive director by email or by private conversation.

We seek to maintain a culture of conversation among our members, including habits of difficult conversations.

We endeavor to create a community for our tutors and reading group leaders as well as for our readers.