About Us
The Catherine Project builds communities of learning based on conversation and hospitality. We seek simplicity, transparency, and open communication in matters large and small.
Since our founding in 2020, we have offered over 500 courses and served more than 2,800 readers in over 50 countries. Most of our courses take place online.
(as told by our founder, Zena Hitz)
The pinnacle of intellectual life, so far as I am concerned, is to sit around a table talking about the deep questions, inspired by an excellent book. We are drawn to that table from a desire to understand and to learn, with and from one another. We read, speak, and listen, not to draw a boundary between ourselves and others, but to uncover bonds of human unity.
I had the privilege to attend St. John’s College, which has a similar vision of learning, and I teach there now. But I dreamt for years of ways to bring to the table anyone who wanted to join in the conversation. I envisioned education without strings attached, no grades, no credits, no tuition, run on the manifest love of learning alone. It took the summer of 2020 to see a way to begin. I began organizing small online tutorials and reading groups via video conference. I found readers from various backgrounds on Twitter. We began with four tutorials on Homer and two reading groups, one on Aristophanes and one on Kafka.
Late in the fall of 2020 the Kafka group wanted to move on to Kierkegaard, but sought more readers for the difficult endeavor. I posted on Twitter: “Who wants to read Either/Or on Saturday evenings?” I received more than a hundred messages. We called it “the Kierkegaard explosion.” Our little group of 40 tripled in size overnight.
Thanks to a start-up grant from Emergent Ventures, we were able to hire an Executive Director, who built our institutional structures. The spark was lit for the wildfire growth I have had the privilege to witness. Thanks to generous donors and small grants, and fed by the zeal of two directors and our incredible team of volunteers, we now serve 600 readers a term. Join us!
In the News
Core Principles

Anyone may study with us who wishes to learn and who has the basic skills necessary for serious reading and conversation. No one’s inability to pay or inability to travel ought to be an obstacle to joining us.

Human beings have a natural desire to understand. Our readers learn because they want to, and our volunteer tutors and group leaders learn alongside them for the love of it.

We go after the deepest and most difficult questions and ask the same of our readers. We avoid trivia and we do not dumb down material.

All of our courses are conducted by open-ended conversation. Readers are not directed toward particular conclusions, but are encouraged to bring their own live questions.
View a history of courses we’ve offered here.