If you seek real learning and real conversation, we invite you to join us in reading and discussing great books.

We welcome people from all educational backgrounds and walks of life. We charge no tuition or fees.

“The Catherine Project has reintroduced the joy of reading great books into my life. Both the leaders and the readers make the encounters with great texts so much richer than is possible by reading alone. Reading in a community is just a deeper and richer way to experience these works.”

Since our founding in 2020, we have offered over 350 courses, serving more than 2,300 readers in over 50 countries. Most of our courses take place on Zoom.

What We Read

We read books of richness, depth, and lasting value that bear repeated re-readings. A great book teaches readers at every level, from beginners to scholars.

For a sample of books we’ve studied, click here.

How We Read


All of our courses are conducted by open-ended conversation.


We focus on the deepest human questions, aided by careful attention to the reading.


Our online courses are available to readers in a wide range of circumstances, in every corner of the world. Our in-person events help to bring the love of learning to life in local communities.

For more about our defining principles, see our About Us page.